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File Format MP4
Resolution 3840x2160
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warm golden bokeh light, overlay, video projects, cinematic, video enhancement, dynamic bokeh, golden glow, video effects, cinematic visuals, video texture, warm glow, golden lighting, video overlay, rich visuals, dreamy effects
Transform your footage into a dreamy masterpiece with the Golden Light Bokeh Overlay. The golden bokeh creates a soft, magical effect, ideal for romantic, wedding, or festive projects. Download now to add a touch of golden magic to your visuals.
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warm golden bokeh light, overlay, video projects, cinematic, video enhancement, dynamic bokeh, golden glow, video effects, cinematic visuals, video texture, warm glow, golden lighting, video overlay, rich visuals, dreamy effects
Transform your footage into a dreamy masterpiece with the Golden Light Bokeh Overlay. The golden bokeh creates a soft, magical effect, ideal for romantic, wedding, or festive projects. Download now to add a touch of golden magic to your visuals.