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File Format MP4
Resolution 3840x2160
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warm bokeh overlay, elegant video intros, cinematic, video enhancement, soft bokeh, dynamic lighting, video effects, video texture, cinematic visuals, dreamy effects, elegant intros, bokeh effect, warm lighting, video overlay, romantic visuals
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warm golden bokeh light, overlay, video projects, cinematic, video enhancement, dynamic bokeh, golden glow, video effects, cinematic visuals, video texture, warm glow, golden lighting, video overlay, rich visuals, dreamy effects
Add a touch of warmth and love to your visuals with this Warm Bokeh Light Overlay. Featuring glowing orbs and soft lighting, it’s perfect for romantic wedding videos, anniversary celebrations, or sentimental scenes.
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warm bokeh overlay, elegant video intros, cinematic, video enhancement, soft bokeh, dynamic lighting, video effects, video texture, cinematic visuals, dreamy effects, elegant intros, bokeh effect, warm lighting, video overlay, romantic visuals
glowing warm bokeh light, overlay, videos, cinematic, video enhancement, dynamic bokeh, warm glow, video effects, video texture, glowing light, cinematic visuals, soft lighting, video overlay, vibrant lighting, golden glow
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warm golden bokeh light, overlay, video projects, cinematic, video enhancement, dynamic bokeh, golden glow, video effects, cinematic visuals, video texture, warm glow, golden lighting, video overlay, rich visuals, dreamy effects
Add a touch of warmth and love to your visuals with this Warm Bokeh Light Overlay. Featuring glowing orbs and soft lighting, it’s perfect for romantic wedding videos, anniversary celebrations, or sentimental scenes.