
Motion Graphics for Beginners: Where to Start

Motion graphics is an exciting and versatile field that combines graphic design with animation to create engaging visual content. For beginners, diving into motion graphics can be both thrilling and overwhelming. With the right guidance and resources, you can start creating stunning motion graphics that captivate your audience. Here’s a comprehensive guide on where to start with motion graphics.

What Are Motion Graphics?

Motion graphics are animations that use graphic design principles to create the illusion of movement. They are widely used in various media, including television, film, advertising, and digital content, to convey information and enhance visual storytelling.

Essential Tools and Software

To get started with motion graphics, you’ll need the right tools and software. Here are some of the most popular options:

1. Adobe After Effects

   - Adobe After Effects is the industry standard for motion graphics and visual effects. It offers a wide range of tools and features for creating complex animations and effects.

2. Adobe Premiere Pro

   - While primarily a video editing software, Premiere Pro is also useful for creating basic motion graphics, especially when combined with After Effects.

3. Blender

   - Blender is a free, open-source 3D animation software that also supports 2D motion graphics. It’s a great option for beginners looking to explore both 2D and 3D animation.

4. Cinema 4D

   - Cinema 4D is a professional 3D modeling, animation, and rendering software. It’s widely used in motion graphics for creating advanced 3D animations.

Learning the Basics

Credits: Motion Nations

Before diving into complex projects, it’s important to understand the basics of motion graphics. Here are some fundamental concepts and techniques to learn:

1. Keyframing

   - Keyframing is the process of setting key points in an animation timeline that define the start and end points of an animation. By adjusting the properties between these keyframes, you create smooth transitions.

2. Layers and Compositions

   - Motion graphics often involve multiple layers of elements that are animated independently. Understanding how to manage and animate these layers is crucial.

3. Easing

   - Easing refers to the gradual acceleration or deceleration of an animation. It makes movements look more natural and less mechanical.

4. Masking

   - Masking is used to hide or reveal parts of a layer. It’s a powerful technique for creating complex animations and effects.

5. Text Animation

   - Animating text is a common task in motion graphics. Learn how to create dynamic and engaging text animations to enhance your projects.

Beginner-Friendly Tutorials

There are plenty of tutorials available online to help you get started with motion graphics. Here are some recommended tutorials for beginners:

1. After Effects Basics


Credits: Ben Marriott

2. Creating Simple Animations


Credits: After Effects Basics

3. Text Animation


Credits: Smertimba Graphics

4. Keyframing and Easing


Credits: Learn How To Edit Stuff

Using Templates

For beginners, using pre-made templates can be a great way to learn and create professional-looking motion graphics quickly. offers a variety of motion graphics templates that you can customize to fit your needs.

Example Templates:

- Simple Text Animation After Effects Template

- Basic Logo Reveal After Effects Template

- Clean Lower Thirds After Effects Template

Practice and Experimentation

The key to mastering motion graphics is practice. Start with simple projects and gradually work your way up to more complex animations. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different styles and techniques. The more you practice, the more comfortable you’ll become with the tools and concepts.

Joining the Motion Graphics Community

Engaging with the motion graphics community can provide inspiration, feedback, and support. Join online forums, follow motion graphics artists on social media, and participate in challenges and contests. This will help you stay motivated and learn from others.


Starting your journey in motion graphics can be an exciting and rewarding experience. By learning the basics, utilizing tutorials, using templates, and practicing regularly, you can develop your skills and create captivating animations. Explore the wide range of resources and templates available at to enhance your projects and take your motion graphics to the next level.

Additional Resources

- Simple Text Animation After Effects Template

- Basic Logo Reveal After Effects Template

- Clean Lower Thirds After Effects Template


By following these steps and making use of available resources, you'll be well on your way to becoming proficient in motion graphics. Happy animating!

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